Are dogs color blind? Short answer
Yes. In addition to shades of black and white, dogs can see blue and yellow colours but lack the red-green vision that we have.
Answering Your Questions in Plain English. No nonsense.
Yes. In addition to shades of black and white, dogs can see blue and yellow colours but lack the red-green vision that we have.
In everyday use, yes, but biologically speaking cashews, like almonds, are in fact “drupes”.
Eggs are considered to be very high in protein
No, Koalas look like bears but are not closely related to, for example, common black bears
New York is a state in the USA which contains a city which is also called New York. Hence the address New York, New York
Yes, “is” a linking verb in English and is the conjugated form of “be”.
Europe contains 44 countries, according to the UN
No, Europe is a continent which contains 44 countries
Assuming the egg was refrigerated and it is being out into already boiling water: · 6 minutes for soft boiled egg with runny yolk · 7.5...
Press and hold Shift, Command and 4. Drag the selection to your desired part of the display. To change this, press and hold space while...
1. Oil a mixing bowl and add 100ml of PVA glue. 2. Add half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda 3. Add food colouring in drops until you...
Firstly, ensure you have the proper equipment. Depending on what it is you want to draw, office pens and cheap paint sets probably won’t...
The function of the appendix is not precisely known. Many scientists believe that the appendix is a useless organ which was once useful...
The appendix connects to the large intestine and is located in the lower right side of the abdomen
All blood leaving the stomach and intestines pass through the liver which helps to regulate mineral levels in the blood. The liver also...
The liver is located in the upper right side of your abdomen, above the stomach and below the diaphragm.
The kidneys remove waste products from your body and excess fluids from your body. They also help to regulate the levels of water and...
The kidneys are located within the lower part of the ribcase and are placed on either side of your spine
Cats purr to communicate – Kittens will often purr to communicate with their mothers and so some scientists have suggested that when cats...
The evidence from their behaviour and nervous systems suggests that animals do, in fact, feel pain as we do. In fact, Biologist Richard...